Thursday, September 13, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

SooAnn and I spent Labor Day weekend visiting my friends Aaron and Joy in Sterling, IL. They were some of my best friends in Connecticut, and after a year of living so far away they missed me so much that they decided to move closer :) Or maybe they just missed the Midwest and wanted to be closer to family... Whatever the reason, it's great to have them closer and I look forward to having them visit Lafayette sometime and introduce them to some of you.

One of the highlights of the visit was a trip to the Reagan boyhood home in Dixon, IL (from 1920-1923). Actually he lived in 5 different homes in Dixon, but this is the one that has been preserved. It is a pretty normal home... nothing fancy. In fact, he shared a small room with his brother.

I think that I especially enjoyed visiting the home because President Reagan is the first president I remember and he was president during my growing up years. I find it interesting that he was the 4th president during my lifetime, and I was only a few weeks shy of 7 when he took office. One of my earliest national event memories was of the assassination attempt on March 30, 1981.

A question for my readers... What is your earliest nation event memory? I'm almost afraid to ask because it might make me feel old.