Sunday, May 6, 2007

It's official....

we're dating!!


Sage Merecat said...


Dana said...

I had NO idea! This is shocking!

MadMup said...

Man, this comes way out of left field and completely overturns my whole worldview.

I might never be the same!

M. Kate said...

What's going on all the sudden with all this "breaking news" - people are gonna have heart problems, seriously!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations!!!! It would be fun to hang out with you guys sometime!

Anonymous said...

Congrats you two! We will be praying for you guys!

Unknown said...

I would never have guessed!

(I need to invent the sarcasm HTML tag...)

Anonymous said...

HOLY COW! You'd think this is the type of the thing you might tell your friends. Geesh.

C. Wilson said...

Kinda figured that back in Feburary when I saw ya'll hanging out at B&N.

Mandy said...

Congrats, you are in my prayers:)