Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What a difference a month makes....

It's hard to believe, but one month ago today the blizzard of 2007 was in full swing. All of the parking spaces in my apartment complex are available for the first time since then as the last piles of snow have nearly succumbed to the record-breaking warmth of today. I love all the seasons, but right now I love spring the best! I enjoy hearing the birds singing in the morning when I wake up and watching things slowly come back to life.

Sunday morning I walked outside around 6:45 and saw a beautiful alignment of the moon, Jupiter, and Antares (a bright star visible in the evening during the summer). I was feeling a little stressed at the moment because my cell-phone (and hence alarm) failed to automatically make the time change, but when I saw the beauty of God's creation my stress level dropped 100%. I didn't even know the alignment was happening before I went out, which made it all the more exciting to me. I enjoy watching the constellations change with the seasons and it's almost like greeting old friends when I see constellations I haven't seen for a few months.

If it wasn't for good old Daylight Savings Time I would have slept right through this celestial alignment. So, you see, DST is a good thing. I have not found many who share this opinion in this state. What do you all think about DST?


wendles said...

Spring is by far my favorite season AND I, too, think DST is great! Hoosiers on the other hand think they "special" and somehow above living with DST. I'm just curious how the other 98% of the U.S. population somehow survives this travesty without incessant whining?

MadMup said...

DST is the dumbest thing ever invented. No one has ever given me any reasons *that make any kind of sense* as to why we do it. It doesn't save anybody and money on their electric bills and if people want to enjoy more sunshine, all they have to do is get up earlier!

Sorry if this is too rant-like here, Matt. DST's bothered me for as far back as I can remember (Which, admittedly, isn't that far back).

Anonymous said...

I love DST - especially when I was a kid and could play outside longer. The only time I don't like it is when we're trying to have a bonfire and play Capture the Flag...then things get tricky...but living on the far west side of the Eastern time board does have it's advantages!

I agree about the stars thing - but I'm not an expert - I love to see them coming around the horizon - my fav is Orion, but I think, he's not going to be visable for much longer though...right?

wendles said...

Looks like the majority of our elected officials must be night-owls like myself. So sad for you...guess you should have gone into politics.

Jeffo said...

I agree DST sucks. I used to enjoy driving to work in the spring, summer, and fall - but alas no more..

Wendles, G-Knee, I'm sorry to report that my opinion of you has seriously dimminished.

MadMup said...

I've heard it said this way:

Go out side at noon and look straight overhead. If the sun isn't there, we're using the wrong system.