I was excited to see a few flakes starting to fall outside my office window around 9:30 this morning. These were just the first flakes of what would end up being about half-a-foot of snow over the course of the day. I must confess that, as a meteorologist and snow lover at heart, I probably spent about as much time today looking out the window at the snow and checking out the latest radar image as I did actually working. And then there was the walk in the snow with two of my co-workers later this afternoon. We were pretty well frozen by the time we got back to the office.
My love for the snow was slightly reduced as I navigated the streets on the drive home, but besides fishtailing a few times and sliding around a few turns, it wasn't all that bad. My boss had a 6:15 PM flight out of Indy; I absolutely did not envy him as he left the office at 3:00 to head out into the snow to the airport... I'm sure he will have a story to tell about that drive when he returns.
ya, I heard 65 was pretty slow. Hopefully your boss didn't miss his flight.
What did Alfred (i hope i have his name correct) think of the snow? His first, right?
Alfred was ecstatic!!! Last week his wife had him buy a digital camera to take some photos of the snow... and they were excited by the inch we got then. I'm not sure they realized that it could snow so much around here.... Actually, I was starting to wonder myself, as snow free as this winter had been so far.
Hmmm...funny how different people have different perspectives. I think for most people buying a camera to photograph the snow was the last thing we would have thought of...especially on the drive home. Although, in the time it took to get home today, I probably could have read the manual on how to use a new camera... :)
I will maintain for as long as I live that snow is great to look at but not so great to be in!
madmup - that is unless you have a 4 wheel drive and you're out busting snow drifts. Then it's a blast!!!! The more snow the better!
I'm with Petey. I LOVE the snow. I got to shovel the driveway yesterday...it was really cool, because it is the one activity where all the neighbors were out together...(that's one thing I hate about a/c in the summer...everyone is locked up inside and only come out to grill a quick burger)...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
PS - I was thinking about calling Seema yesterday...I would have LOVED seeing her face!!
You guys are either a)crazy or b)young. I suspect it is some combination of the two.
"Got to" shovel the driveway?!? Like it's a privilege?!? Jeannie, I'm concerned about you.
Petey - I'll be praying for your return to sanity, hopefully before you flip that 4 wheel drive. I've been in a fancy new 4x4 truck when the crazy man driver thought it would be "cooler" to bust through the drifts rather than drive on the semi-cleared lane. My parents were less than thrilled, following behind in their car, when our two passenger side tires left the road and we almost landed it on it's side.
G - Amen about the a/c sister. That is one more good reason I go without. If it's too blame hot, I take it as a sign the good Lord wants me to spend some quality time at the mall.
G-knee, I'm jealous that you got to shovel a whole driveway. I haven't gotten to do much shovelling since I left Penn State a few years ago. My roommates and I used to see how high we could make the snowpiles... sometimes even taking snow off the road.
I lived in the DC area during the President's Day snowstorm in 2003. We got about 2 feet. That was about the only time I met some of my neighbors... including a couple that I lent my shovel to... They were starting to unbury their car using a dustpan!
Dude- I have a whole driveway that is full of snow up here in Flora! I am parking on the street...don't own a shovel. If the desire to shovel is that strong....here's the opportunity. :)
You would actually LET me shovel out your driveway. I feel honored. If it were closer and I wasn't so busy, I'd take you up on the offer. I didn't know you got any snow in Florida, though.
How do you roll your eyes on line? :) No worries, the snow will last for at least another week and you can have the whole thing to yourself...I am really am leaving for FLORIDA on Monday!!!
(Oh and one side note: I share a parking lot with the church next door...none of it has been shoveled.)
Wow... The driveway and the church parking lot. This sounds almost too good to be true! You've sure picked a great time to go to thte "real" Florida!
Petey - we may have been seperated at birth! I have four wheel drive as well and I love ANY chance to use it! I think that if we get the foot or so that they are predicting we ought to get together and pull people out of the ditches for fun!
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